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calc – 5-operation Calculator

Write a program that is able to perform 5 operations: addition +, subtraction -, multiplication *, division / or exponentiation ^.

A calculator.

Input and output

Input consists of several lines, each with a number x, a character o and another number y separated by spaces where

-2 000 000.00 ≤ x, y ≤ 2 000 000.00

o is +, -, *, / or ^

Output should contain a single line with the corresponding result of applying operator o to x and y. Output should be rounded to two decimal places.

Inputs are given so that the resulting value r is within the following range:

-2 000 000.00 ≤ r ≤ 2 000 000.00

Example input

1 + 2
3.5 * 6
7 - 12
20 / 3
-10 ^ 3

Example output




In this exercise, exponents may have decimal places.

try first: bmi

try next: factorial

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