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errxit – Error exit code

Write a program that reads a single integer from standard input. If the integer is negative, the program should exit with an error exit code (different than zero). If the integer is zero or positive, the program should exit with a success exit code (zero).

$ ./errxit && echo 'Ok'
$ ./errxit && echo 'Ok'



Exit codes are used to signalize to the operating system whether a program ran successfully or failed. For example, the GCC compiler returns 0 when compilation was successful and returns an error code otherwise. This is useful when the compiler is called from scripts.

On Linux, you can check the exit code from the command line by issuing the echo $? command or alternatively by running your program followed by && echo 'zero exit code' which is executed when the program returns 0.

try first: erro hello-cmd

try next: bytes2bits bits2bytes

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Copyright © 2020-2023 Rudy Matela
This text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
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